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27.  Uye, S. and F. Yamamoto (1995): In situ feeding of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus in the Inland Sea of Japan, examined by the gut fluorescence method. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 42: 123-139.

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1.      Fusetani, N., H. Hirota, T. Okino, Y. Tomono and E. Yoshimura (1996): Antifouling activity of isocyanoterpenoids and related compounds isolated from a marine sponge and nudibranchs. J. Nat. Toxins, 5: 249-259.

2.      橋本俊也・山本民次・多田邦尚・松田 治・永末寿宏・多田充利・郷 秋雄・中口和光(1996): 瀬戸内海全域の季節別水質調査結果. 広島大学生物生産学部紀要, 35: 243-274.

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4.      Liang, D., S. Uye and T. Onbe (1996): Population dynamics and production of the planktonic copepods in a eutrophic inlet of the Inland Sea of Japan. I. Centropages abdominalis. Mar. Biol., 124: 527-536.

5.      Liang, D. and S. Uye (1996): Population dynamics and production of the planktonic copepods in a eutrophic inlet of the Inland Sea of Japan. II. Acartia omorii. Mar. Biol., 125: 109-117.

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12.  Ohta, S., M. Uno, M. Tokumasu, Y. Hiraga and S. Ikegami (1996): Hippospongic acid A: an unusual triterpenoic acid from a marine sponge, Hippospongia sp., which inhibits gastrulation of starfish embryos. Tetrahedron Lett., 37: 7765-7766.

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15.  Ohtsuka, S., A. Fosshagen and H. Y. Soh (1996): Three new species of the demersal calanoid copepod Placocalanus (Ridgewayiidae) from Okinawa, southern Japan. Sarsia. 81: 247-263.

16.  Okino, T., E. Yoshimura, H. Hirota and N. Fusetani (1996): New antifouling sesquiterpenes from four nudibranchs of the family Phyllidiidae. Tetrahedron, 52: 9447-9454.

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11.  Nunomura, K., T. Shimizu, K. Hozumi, T. Takao, Y. Shimonishi and S. Ikegami (1997): A novel modification of the lysine residue at position 12 of histone H4 in starfish sperm. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 61: 2151-2152.

12.  Ohta, S., E. Ohta and S. Ikegami (1997): Ancorioside A: a novel tetramic acid glycoside from the marine sponge, Ancorina sp., which specifically inhibits blastulation of starfish embryos. J. Org. Chem., 62: 6452-6453.

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31.  Uye, S. and A. Murase (1997): Relationship of egg production rates of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus to phytoplankton availability in the Inland Sea of Japan. Plankton Biol. Ecol., 44: 3-11.

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33.  Uye, S. and T. Shimazu (1997): Geographical and seasonal variations in abundance, biomass and estimated production rates of meso- and macrozooplankton in the Inland Sea of Japan. J. Oceanogr., 53: 529-538.

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1.      Hashimoto, T. and H. Takeoka (1998): Analysis of primary production in the area of Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using a simple ecosystem model. J. Oceanogr., 54: 123-132.

2.      Hioki, H., M. Hamano, Y. Mimura, M. Kodama, S. Ohta, M. Yanai and S. Ikegami (1998): Revised structure, synthesis and absolute configuration of hippospongic acid A. Tetrahedron Lett., 39: 7745-7746.

3.      Hirota, H., T. Okino, E. Yoshimura and N. Fusetani (1998): Five new antifouling sesquiterpenes from two marine sponges of the genus Axinyssa and the nudibranch Phyllidia pustulosa. Tetrahedron, 54: 13971-13980.)

4.      今林博道 (1998): 貧酸素下のベントスの生残戦略. 月刊海洋, 30: 125-132.

5.      Kato, K., H. Takemoto, K. Kato, E. Miyazaki, K. Kobayashi and S. Ikegami (1998): Inhibition of sea urchin fertilization by jaspisin, a novel anti-metallo endoproteinase substance. Devlop. Growth Differ., 40: 221-230.

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In press

1.      Hirata, S., K. Honda, O. Shikino, M. Maekawa and M. Aihara (in press): Determination of chromium (III) and total chromium in seawater by on-line column preconcentration inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, 55:

2.      Kimura, H. and T. Naganuma (in press): Thraustochytrids: a forgotten agent of the marine microbial food chain. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 3:

3.      Komai, T. (in press): A review of the north-western Pacific species of the genus Paguristes (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae), I. Five species initially reported by Ortmann (1892). J. Nat. Hist.,

4.      Lacuna, D. G. and S. Uye (in press): Effect of UVB radiation on the survival, feeding, and egg production of the brackish-water copepod, Sinocalanus tenellus, with notes on photoreactivation. Hydrobiologia,

5.      Ohta, K., H. Sakugawa, K. Takeda, S. Hirata and K. Fujiwara (in press): Photochemical turnover times of dissolved organic carbon in coastal seawater as estimated from carbon monoxide production. Geophys. Res. Lett.,

6.      Ohtsuka, S. and R. Huys (in press): Sexual dimorphism in calanoid copepods: morphology and function. Hydrobiologia,.

7.      Shimomura, M. and S. Mawatari (in press): Two new species of Munnogonium (Isopoda, Asellota, Paramunnidae) from Japan. Species Diversity.

8.      Uye, S. (in press): Why does Calanus sinicus prosper in the shelf ecosystem in the Northwest Pacific Ocean? ICES J. Mar. Sci.,

9.       Uye, S., T. Shimazu, M. Yamamuro, Y. Ishitobi and H. Kamiya (in press): Geographical and seasonal variations in mesozooplankton abundance and biomass in relation to environmental parameters in Lake Shinji-Ohashi River-Lake Nakaumi brackish-water system, Japan. J. Mar. Systems,
